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the unplanned journey

Sha8doW's picture

Ashi, i say you pick
but i got some criteria,
1 new site
2 overnight
3 atleast 1 cache on 1 of the days
4 some type of water must be traversed
5 um..
6 everyones gotta attend!


Fuzz's picture


7. hut buildenance must be undertakenen.

n0mad's picture

What can be placed in the bucket when found ?

What items do you leave behind, Maybe a Linux Penguin ?

Sha8doW's picture


mmm, a linux item… It would be hard to stuff a cat in the caches

seriously tho, We try to leave a nostalgic IPX item such as:
BNC T-Pieces, Terminators… and our trade mark “soft” comments

I propose that we leave an IPX Eagle from now on too!

Kazozza's picture

heh, 'soft'

if you can’t leve an IPX eagle in the cache, your soft!

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